Monday, July 12, 2010

Why do Dems hate free speech and freedomin general?

The DISCLOSE Act will require small businesses, corporations, and non-profit organizations to electronically file burdensome financial disclosure reports within 24 hours of making an independent expenditure. Without action by the FEC, these groups will have to electronically file a form that does not yet exist, and face a $10,000 penalty should their filing be found inadequate.

Radically expand the length of disclaimers on televised political advertisements. The Act will compel the head of an organization to appear on screen in a stand by your ad disclaimer. The top donor to an organization will also have to appear on camera to stand by the ad. The names of additional top donors to the organization must be listed on screen for a period of six seconds. These disclaimers will be the end of the 30 second advertisement, because over half of the time will be devoted to disclaimers.
We didn

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