Monday, March 30, 2009

Can you be arrested for kicking someone out of your car on the highway?

i really wanted to kick my ex-girlfriend out of my car while driving down the highway. just pull over and make her get out. she told me that she had cheated on me with a former friend of mine. she was 20, as was i. however, i did not out of fear of having some kind of charges brought up against me, and drove her home, and out of my life. could there have been any legal ramifications for this? just want to know for future reference.

Had doing so placed her in danger, then yes, it is possible. You did the right thing. Take comfort in that.

There could be under any conditions, if she were to be harmed due to your actions. So it really depends on what kind of highway you are talking about and what the location was.

No they could not do anything to you. But the tricky part is actually getting her to get out of the car. If you touch her then something could happen.

Out of a stationary car, no. Out of a moving car, yes.

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