Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I was wondering what makes napalm sticky and jelly like.

Why did they ban it?

Aren't most weapons inhumane?

Palmitic acid made from palm oil the same stuff they used to put in soap (few soaps still do) or a styrene ester; the military uses M4 thickner issued in 1 lb or up to 30 lb drums.

Napalm is not banned just rarely used with today's pinpoint weapons systems. Napalm, and devices using it, are good for the defense against a traditional attacking force; a scenario we haven't encountered in a while.

A realistic scenario would be against a large scale attack by the North Koreans against defending forces along the DMZ in Korea.

They use coconut oil I believe. They banned it because it was used to burn people and things which is considered barbaric. I don't think any weapon is humane but I do think they are very much needed in our world today...for the same reasons they were since the beginning of recorded history. Funny how the UN can decide burning someone to death is bad but shooting and blowing them up is alright.

I don't know the exact chemical composition, but it's the same stuff which is in soap that makes the gasoline turn to jelly when heated. And who banned it?

It has Palmitic acid that emulsifies gasoline.

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