Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Why do so many liberals believe that?

all conservatives are rich, old, southern men? Wouldn't that be like most conservatives thinking that all liberals are west coast tree-hugging, veggie eaters?

Seriously, where do these crazy stereotypes come from? Neither party is made up of any one type of person. What do you think?

i think its just that there are a lot of small minded, uninformed, people who would rather stereotype than educate themselves to what each party actually stands for

All?? I don't believe that, nor do most liberals.

The FACT is, however, your party DOES indeed have a voting base of rural, white, middle and older aged men. 57 is the median age for Republican voters. I know there are also younger people and minorities, but when you look at any GOP rally, any GOP event, and the RNC's ceremony that took place last year, it isn't difficult to tell that minorities, young people, and women are poorly represented within your party.

I don't know why they think only conservatives or Republicans are rich.

I think it is a symptom that the lower socioeconomic democrats are unaware.

Democrats like the Clintons and the Kennedys are extremely wealthy and getting wealthier by the day.

Obama is wealthy and will soon be mega wealthy.

Actors, actresses and rock stars, a majority whom lean Democrat, are mega wealthy.

IMO, the wealthy democrats are manipulating the poor democrats for personal gain.

As for the other stereotypes. They are apparently rooted in ignorance. I am an independent conservative. I don't fit their stereotype.

IMO, the wealthy conservatives and Republicans want everyone to have a shot at being wealthy in a free market.

You're right, those stereotypes do NOT describe the constituency. However, I wouldn't completely dismiss those stereotypes to describe party platforms, agendas and the interests represented. Could we possibly 'remove the blinders' enough to see that if we don't fit the stereotype, then quite possibly (probably) the party agenda does not fit our own best interests? Hey, it would be a big step towards a critical look at the two party system and whose interests are truly being served.

Hint: Under the guise of representing US interests, they do not serve US the people.

FYI: The top 3 richest Senators are DEMOCRATS:

The top three wealthiest senators are Democrats: John Kerry of Massachusetts, with a net worth of at least $164 million; Herb Kohl of Wisconsin, with a net worth of at least $111 million, and John "Jay" Rockefeller of West Virginia, with an estimated net worth of at least $82 million.

Senate millionaires

John Kerry, D-Massachusetts: $163,626,399

Herb Kohl, D-Wisconsin: $111,015,016

John Rockefeller, D -West Virginia: $81,648,018

Jon Corzine, D-New Jersey: $71,035,025

Dianne Feinstein, D-California: $26,377,109

Frank Lautenberg, D-New Jersey $17,789,018

John Edwards, D-North Carolina: $12,844,029

Edward Kennedy, D-Massachusetts: $9,905,009

Jeff Bingaman, D-New Mexico: $7,981,015

Bob Graham, D-Florida: $7,691,052

Ben Nelson, D-Nebraska: $6,267,028

Mark Dayton, D-Minnesota: $3,974,037

Harry Reid, D-Nevada: $1,500,040

Thomas Carper, D-Delaware: $1,482,017

Maria Cantwell, D-Washington: $1,264,999

Barbara Boxer, D-California: $1,172,003

Mary Landrieu, D-Louisiana: $1,080,014

Bill Nelson, D-Florida: $1,073,014

*These figures are base estimates provided by senators on their financial disclosure forms.

I think that liberals believe whatever the media spoon feeds them. I am an educated female in the lower, lower middle class level ( no I do not work in a factory, hold a professional level job) and I am a conservative Republican because I am not rich enough to be a Democrat, or poor enough to benefit from the countless social welfare programs that they fund by taking more and more money out of my paycheck

I don't believe that and it's that knowledge that confounds me so much. They defend protections for the rich that they will ultimately have to pay for themselves. That's as baffling as a soldier who makes sure the enemy's weapons all have full magazines before a battle.

that is so NOT true

most Liberals believe that the majority of conservatives are Poor White Trailer Trash


"stereotypes" ??

like Asian people don't drive well


black men are well endowed


white people can't dance

LOL - where do those crazy stereotypes come from ?

We don't think you're only rich, old, southern men....we know you're also poor, uneducated, gun-toting, bible-thumping, xenophobic, homophobic, red neck, morons....also.

Liberals don't think that all of you are rich old white men from the South we just KNOW that those are the people that run the party and come up with the tricks and lies to get you bunch of haters, bigots and morons to follow them.

True, just because members of a party in Congress are a certain way, doesn't mean the people they are supposed to represent are that way. But it's evident by the answers you are getting from both sides, that people are too stupid to realize that.

It is only logical that old, rich, white (southern?) men would vote conservative. The Conservative and Republican parties represent these people. The Liberal and Democratic parties represent everyone else (upper-middle to lower class).

I think they are crazy stereotypes. However, I think a lot of conservatives do view liberals as all west coast, tree-hugging, veggie-eating types.

Quit bothering me with your good reasoning. The next thing you know, you'll claim that all Muslims aren't terrorists. Everyone knows that stereotypes are always true.

I was raised in Chicago and I've always been conservative. My In-Law relatives are from the hills of Kentucky have always been democrats, most of them dropped out of school in 8th grade! My conservative family is all educated!.

I have never met a Liberal that thinks that. Most Liberals are astounded by the number of poor Republicans as well as the number of Republicans that are on welfare.

I agree, I'm a 16 year old boy, in a band, music is life, does drugs, drinks, loves girls with a passion, is athletic, and dirt poor.

And I'm a hardcore Republican!

Good day, Sir.

let them think that

by that logic all liberals are hollywood elitists that love to fellate each other

Conservatives are selfish folks that think only about themselves...Liberals are their brothers keepers

I agree with Brian. They don't actually think about anything. They only think and do what they're told.

I'm conservative, 24 years old, not rich yet, and a man, who lives in Indiana. So suck on that Delphi.

i don't. I have seen that most "blue" states have higher incomes than red states.

Because that is what they are told to believe..

Did you watch their convention? It was like playing "Where's Waldo" for a young minority.

You forgot 'white'. They think this because they're close-minded.

thats what they do

I like the way you think!

Well they are not but instead Liberals watch NBC, MSNBC and watch Universal Movies, and Conservatives watch FOX, Fox News, and 20th Century Fox Movies why because they control their Tundra that's right both Parties are ruled by the Media.

Take a closer look at the members of that party.

Where'd you get that one?

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