Wednesday, March 25, 2009


If you read Rahm Emmanuel'sl book (Obama's Chief of Staff) "The Plan" he talks of, and has vocally espoused, mandatory volunteer work from ALL Americans:

50 hours per year for kids

100 hour per year for teens

3 months boot camp in barracks for ages 18-25

3 YEARS sum total for all adults and seniors

1 year ago the Obama campaign scrubbed an obamayouth website. Michelle Obama has been involved with "Public Allies" for a long time andplans on running these "mandatory volunteerism" programs for youth.

Well, as a parent, I want no part of this for my kids OR myself.

Are they going to punish us? Do we have to leave the country?

Rahm is a dual citizen of Israel where they do this.

Oh...You are talking about the "Hitler Youth Bill"...

This is the same thing the NAZI's/Communists/

Mao did to their young people...

The earlier you start Brainwashing the

easier it is to Control the Masses...

Hence the 3 months of Boot Camp...

I'm not familiar with this 3rd world atrocity foolishness, but I'm not surprised by whose idea it was. Judging by history of those that share the same gang bang mindset or should I say inner city low life thugs. I'm sure we will be dragged into the street and shot. Seems there's a fool in charge and a Group of spineless leaders doing everything it says

Read the bill, dear. There is NOTHING within the bill that even suggests any mandatory service. Allbut 3 Republicans also voted for this bill. You should also read the Constitution...specifically the 13th Amendment.

sounds like it to me.. and **** rahm, and obama for that matter, why should we have to volunteer for anything.. stupid people, and of course these are the people who want to make everyone train to be a civilian reaction force.. whats the national guard for?

Look under section 125.

Anyone under this "mandatory' work cannot perform any relegious activities. Talk about killing your freedom of worship.

Its in there folks, look it up.

You need to read the bill... it pertains to FUNDING for schools in relation to volunteerism. There is no 'demand' on the public.

There's no such thing as a "mandatory volunteer"...its one or the other...DUH!

Yes thats what it means.......also you will be beaten with a stick......... now shut up.dumb dumb

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